b'LIFETIME SPORT.GREAT MEMBER MINISERIEST ennis has the best brand legs of any sport there is. Its aevenings at 6 p.m. (CCL also offers mens doubles on Monday evenings billboard for Nike, Adidas, Head, ASICS, Under Armourand womens doubles on Tuesday evenings.)and New Balance, to name a few. It gives us heroes. GreatWe make it a point to have members play with those they personalities like McEnroe. Champions like Serena,havent played with much, so they get to know each other, Stempson Djokovic, Federer and Nadal. Stylists like Borg and Agassi. says. Mixing up partners also means that you may be pitted against We get the grand slam tournaments from January throughyour spouse in some of the fun games we play. It always makes for September, fueling our ambitions to attend just one in London orgreat entertainment to watch spouses try to beat each other. It gets NYC before we kick the bucket. We enjoy the cinematic luster of filmsa bit tense and awkwardtwo situations I live for and am all about. like Wimbledon or King Richard. Who among us hasnt wantedThe running joke is always, I hope you two drove separate cars here to visit the Hamptons or Cannes when we see the preppy fashionstonight.in magazine lifestyle pages? And does anyone do vintage tennis likeIf an odd number of members show up, I will usually have one Ralph Lauren with his cable-knit cricket sweaters? of my assistant pros jump in and play in what is definitely a no-win Tennis delivers the ultimate mind-body connection, stratagemsituation: If they play hard and win the point, the other team will with fierce athleticism. A pummeling occasionally to keep us on ourtrash-talk the assistant. If the assistants team feels they arent going toes around our outcome, performance and process goals. A goodhard enough, their own team will trash-talk them. An assistant tennis sweat if were into it for cardio and fitness. pro at CCL on Thursday nights is sometimes a lonely place to be.The Thursday tennis group launched in the heart of Covid-19. FUN LIKE A LONG VOLLEY Most of the members did not know each other, but in four years, We asked CCL Director of Tennis & Fitness Rick Stempson and a fewStempson says, the group has become very tight knit, sharing the ups members about the camaraderie the mixed group enjoys on Thursdayand downs of life with each other.This is way bigger than tennis. CCL Director of Tennis & Fitness Rick StempsonRick Stempsonrick@ccl.cc |TENNIS'